Prof. Erik Lindahl

Prof. Erik Lindahl


Integrative Structural Biology Working Group Biocomp Member, LINXS Fellow

Erik Lindahl is a professor of Biophysics at the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at Stockholm University, but most of their research team is physically located at Science for Life Laboratory, a joint research environment for SU, KTH, and KI. In addition to teaching and research together with his group, they are engaged in a number of scientific environments, and especially passionate about mobility and cooperation between the three Stockholm University. He spends a lot of his time as deputy director of the Strategic Research Area SeRC (Swedish e-Science Research Center), jointly for SU-KTH-KI-LiU, he is one of the leaders of SciLifeLab's platform for bioinformatics, and program manager for Stockholm University's part of a new joint KTH-SU-KI master's program in molecular science for life sciences.

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